Episode 61: Getting the Credit You Deserve

Episode 61: Getting the Credit You Deserve

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 61: Getting The Credit You Deserve. In this episode, we dig into the differences between humility, confidence, and arrogance and highlight that it’s possible to both be humble and earn recognition. We also tear apart the origin stories behind the myths that lead us to believe we don’t deserve credit above our steady paycheck.

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Episode 59: Having a Quarterly Meeting with Yourself

Episode 59: Having a Quarterly Meeting with Yourself

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 59: Having A Quarterly Meeting With Yourself. During this episode we talk about the value of a personal quarterly meeting – one that is taken seriously and conducted deliberately. We talk about what to ask yourself, how often to do it, and how to make sense of the analysis and results.

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Episode 58: It's Ok to Talk About Money

Episode 58: It's Ok to Talk About Money

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 58: It's Ok To Talk About Money. This week on the Inside Job Podcast we talk about money! By any name, cold hard cash is one of our favorite topics as humans, yet it often seems so taboo to admit it. Maybe the better question is: given how important money is, how do we talk about it in meaningful ways that align with our values?

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Episode 57: You Don’t Have to Settle

Episode 57: You Don’t Have to Settle

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 57: You Don't Have to Settle. This week we’re talking about the sensation of being trapped or stuck, and settling for a situation that doesn’t work for us. This is also an opportunity in our lives to see things, to understand the tensions between what we want and where we are, and to create a shift that results in momentum. 

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Episode 52: Making It Work with Your Manager Part 2

Episode 52: Making It Work with Your Manager Part 2

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 52: Making It Work With Your Manager | Part 2. One of the most significant relationships in our lives is the one we have with our boss. Like all meaningful and important relationships, it takes effort, communication, and conscious contributions from both parties. Listen in for our answers to caller questions!

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Episode 50: Gaps, Pivots, and the Non-Linear Career Path

Episode 50: Gaps, Pivots, and the Non-Linear Career Path

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 50: Gaps, Pivots, and the Non-Linear Career Path. We tackle a question by one of our listeners returning to work after an extended time off and wants some thoughts on how to make a successful transition. Whether you're returning to work, making a significant career pivot, or navigating non-traditional career paths, we've got you!

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Episode 48: Redefining Ambition

Episode 48: Redefining Ambition

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 48: Redefining Ambition. In this episode, we explore other ways of defining ambition. We wonder if ambition is even the word we want to keep using. Nayla offers the word: appetite, and Eric offers: energy… what if we are in pursuit of satisfying our appetites and following our energy? Where might that lead us?

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Episode 45: Riffing on Professional Reputation, Brand, and Identity

Episode 45: Riffing on Professional Reputation, Brand, and Identity

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 45: Rigging on Professional Reputation, Brand, and Identity. This week, Eric and Nayla enter the arena to tackle a topic that comes up nearly every week – our clients’ concerns about their professional reputation.

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Episode 44: Revisiting the MO in FOMO

Episode 44: Revisiting the MO in FOMO

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 44: Revisiting the MO in FOMO. In a previous episode on the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), we talked more about the “Fear Of” than the “Missing Out”. Yet sometimes we do miss out – when we make choices we have to deal with trade-offs and sacrifices. Saying “yes” to one thing does lead to “no” for other things. So how do we deal with the aftermath -- the feelings of remorse and regret that accompany lost opportunities?

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Episode 42: Handling Professional FOMO

Episode 42: Handling Professional FOMO

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 42: Handling Professional FOMO. In this episode, we tackle a topic suggested by one of our listeners – how to handle professional FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out). FOMO arises when we look around at our colleagues, friends, and even our families and see that they have things that we want. They may be getting promoted faster, paid more, recognized more publicly, or taking on assignments we desire.

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Episode 39: When The Inner Critic Shows Up

Episode 39: When The Inner Critic Shows Up

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode  39: When The Inner Critic Shows Up. How do we start to notice the inner critic and what do we do? We must also develop the sophistication and discernment to know how sneaky the inner critic can be.  Sometimes the inner critic is loud and black and white, sometimes the voice is delicate in its deception – we offer examples of both.

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