Episode 55: Why You Resist Networking
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 55: Why You Resist Networking. We believe – deeply – that networking is about learning, about relationship building and above all, about CONNECTING. And connecting isn’t just good for your career, it’s rewarding for your life.

Episode 09: Creating (And Updating) Your Crew
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 9: Creating (And Updating) Your Crew. In this episode, we chat about the high value of having strong, restorative relationships with people who challenge us, open us to new ways of thinking, and support us. We talk about the people on our board of directors (our closest network), the people we’re just getting to know, and the sometimes awkward need to put some old relationships aside if they are no longer bringing out the best in us.