Episode 26: The Lies We Tell Ourselves Part 1

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Some of the hardest obstacles we have to overcome as leaders of ourselves are the lies that we tell ourselves. These lies are deeply woven into our belief systems, serve as both detractors and motivators, and are often the cause of many of our blind spots.

The lies we tell ourselves are typically born when we are young, and feature prominently in our origin stories. To understand these lies requires that we examine our beliefs, both past and present, and review where our experiences conflict with our expectations.

In this episode – the first of two parts on the topic – both Eric and Nayla share a lie they tell themselves, discuss where it has roots in their history, and investigate how it has both served and hindered them in their careers.

Eric talks about the belief that he is only as valuable as his accomplishments and how the desire to achieve has always come at a substantial cost.

Nayla talks about her struggle between standing out and being “too much or too big” and how that has led her to say yes when she wants to say no, and to support ideas she doesn’t always believe in.

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Episode 27: The Lies We Tell Ourselves Part 2


Episode 25: You Only Think You Want More Control