Episode 25: You Only Think You Want More Control

You only think you want control.png

An old Stoic philosophy says, “The only thing you have control over is how you respond to your circumstances.”

While that is absolutely true, it’s also a deeply unsatisfying response to give someone when they say, “I feel helpless” or “I feel out of control.” In this episode of the Inside Job Podcast we discuss the topic of control, and the fact that our clients and colleagues are often struggling with something deeper when they express these feelings.

We contrast the desire for control with the need for clarity, and how having the courage to make a decision – even a small one for oneself – can help provide relief from the pain and agony of helplessness. We also talk about how we all have more influence than we realize, and why it’s important to stop waiting and to take action to alter our circumstances.

Lastly, we discuss the concept of discernment and how important it is for us to consciously choose what we put our energy towards. Nayla reminds us that discernment is a muscle, which only gets stronger with practice.

Finally, true to form we talk about the merits of neck tattoos and why we need more Janet Jackson in our lives.

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