Episode 44: Revisiting the MO in FOMO
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 44: Revisiting the MO in FOMO. In a previous episode on the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), we talked more about the “Fear Of” than the “Missing Out”. Yet sometimes we do miss out – when we make choices we have to deal with trade-offs and sacrifices. Saying “yes” to one thing does lead to “no” for other things. So how do we deal with the aftermath -- the feelings of remorse and regret that accompany lost opportunities?

Episode 42: Handling Professional FOMO
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 42: Handling Professional FOMO. In this episode, we tackle a topic suggested by one of our listeners – how to handle professional FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out). FOMO arises when we look around at our colleagues, friends, and even our families and see that they have things that we want. They may be getting promoted faster, paid more, recognized more publicly, or taking on assignments we desire.