Episode 44: Revisiting the MO in FOMO

44 Revisiting the MO in FOMO.png

In this episode we talk about FOMO one MO time!

In a previous episode on the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) we talked more about the “Fear Of” than the “Missing Out”. Yet sometimes we do actually miss out – when we make choices we have to deal with trade-offs and sacrifices. Saying “yes” to one thing does lead to “no” for other things. So how do we deal with the aftermath -- the feelings of remorse and regret that accompany lost opportunities?

It’s not dramatic to say that as humans we are wired to experience grief and regret when we lose out on opportunities. This happens even when we know we made the right decision! There is always loss – we can’t have it all. The point is not the quality of the choice; the point is that we have to make sense of the emotions we experience when we are denied an opportunity or experience so we can be at peace with the decision.

We offer our perspectives on why we tend to sit in our negative emotions more than the positive ones, and offer some thoughts on how to shift our mindset so we can spend equal (or more) time focusing on what we have gained from our choices. In doing so we can leave options on the table from a place of wisdom and self-confidence and move forward with grace.

We also talk about the importance of remembering that our lives have seasons, and that saying “no” to something now does not mean it won’t present itself in a different form at a later point in life – at a time when we are in a better situation to say “yes”.

As always, we’d love to hear about your experiences, so please contact us via insidejobthepodcast.com or on Instagram and Facebook @insidejobpodcast.

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