Episode 61: Getting the Credit You Deserve

We believe wholeheartedly that if you kick ass at work you deserve something for it. You deserve to be seen, you deserve to be recognized, and you deserve credit.

Actually, it’s better than “deserved” – you need to get what you have “earned”.

Not receiving credit for damn fine work is one of the more common tensions we hear from our clients. Whether it be promotions, special assignments, money, or public recognition meaningful credit can take many forms and yet why does it seem to be a scarce resource?

Unfortunately the reality is that we often need to ask for the credit we have earned, which is a hard pill to swallow for many. Some of the most talented people are humble to a fault, and asking for credit is akin to the eighth cardinal sin. Beyond that, there are stories we tell ourselves about credit, such as:

  • My gain is someone else’s loss

  • There is no “I” in team, and I’m not supposed to stand out

  • If we keep our head down and our work up we’ll get noticed

In this episode of the Inside Job Podcast we break all of this down and more. We dig into the differences between humility, confidence, and arrogance and highlight that it’s possible to both be humble and earn recognition. We also tear apart the origin stories behind the myths that lead us to believe we don’t deserve credit above our steady paycheck.

We know it’s hard to ask for attention, but if you kick ass you should be rewarded for it. After all, you’ve earned it. So don’t keep yourself in a cage – allow yourself the space to get noticed and applauded. We’ll help you figure out how.

You can listen to the episode below or on your favorite podcast platform. Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter!

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

  1. Ryan Holiday: Confidence vs Ego

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Episode 62: Figuring Out Fear


Episode 60: When You Experience Rejection