Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1

Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1. Today on the podcast we explore how to build a better relationship with work and how our inside work can give us the perspective, accountability, and permission to make that relationship even better.

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Episode 120: Should I Stay In My Lane?

Episode 120: Should I Stay In My Lane?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 120: Stay In My Lane? Today on the podcast, we’re exploring whether we really need to stay in our lane, how to handle people dipping into our lane, and what to do when we feel the urge to dip into someone else’s lane.

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Episode 119: What Do We Owe Each Other (Inspired By The Good Place)

Episode 119: What Do We Owe Each Other (Inspired By The Good Place)

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 119: What Do We Owe Each Other? Today we’re using the show The Good Place to explore what we do or don’t owe each other at work. We talk through questions we can ask ourselves to sift through who said what, what the relationship between us and our place of work is about, and what we owe each other.

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Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space

Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space. Today on the podcast we’re answering listener questions about mitigating the potential impact of our WTF face and what it means to hold space for ourselves and others. There are a few strategies to help have a better poker face during workplace conversations. We offer tips to help give yourself enough space to craft the reaction you truly want to present in any situation.

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Episode 117: The How of Pushing Back on Your Boss

Episode 117: The How of Pushing Back on Your Boss

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 117: The How Of Pushing Back On Your Boss. This week on the podcast, we're having better conversations with our managers. Whether it’s a business decision, a debate about company culture, or even a hiring decision, you may wonder, “How do I push back?” when you disagree with a direction your boss is taking. Join us this week as we explore why we might be afraid to speak up, what making our boss 'look good' means, and how to have more effective and collaborative exchanges.

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Episode 116: If You’re Thrown Under The Bus

Episode 116: If You’re Thrown Under The Bus

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 116: If You're Thrown Under The BusToday we’re exploring what to do if we’ve been thrown under the bus and how to prevent ourselves from throwing someone else under the bus when taking on a new role.

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Episode 106: The Courage to Call Out Yellow Flags

Episode 106: The Courage to Call Out Yellow Flags

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 106: The Courage To Call Out Yellow Flags. Today we’re exploring yellow flags: The things we sometimes see in our places of work and in our relationships that catch our attention. We’re also exploring the value of holding space, taking time to reflect, connect with others, and then take action when these things arise.

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Episode 98: What If You're Wrong?

Episode 98: What If You're Wrong?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 98: What If You're Wrong? Today on the podcast we’re exploring the idea that what worked for us in one phase of our lives may not be serving us now. We explore what this concept means for our daily lives, how it’s showing up for our clients, and how to choose our beliefs.

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Episode 83: We Used to Be Friends; Now They’re My Boss

Episode 83: We Used to Be Friends; Now They’re My Boss

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 83: We Used To Be Friends: Now They're My Boss. So what happens when the power dynamic shifts between friends? What changes when a friend is suddenly the boss?  Or when you hire a friend? What shifts when there is suddenly a significant shared outcome that requires input, effort, and accountability between buddies? We tackle a ton of questions on this episode of the podcast. Listen in!

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Episode 71: To Reveal or Not To Reveal

Episode 71: To Reveal or Not To Reveal

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 71: To Reveal Or Not To Reveal. How much of your identity should you share with your co-workers? Does bringing your personal life to work help build trust, or does trust need to exist before you share your personal life at work? 

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Episode 70: I Can’t Talk To My Boss

Episode 70: I Can’t Talk To My Boss

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 70: I Can't Talk To My Boss. We discuss the ways differences in expectations, needs, and hierarchy play in communication breakdowns and how to adapt to and overcome each. We also talk about how to work through the dissonance that we experience when the present reality of our relationship with our boss is different than our historical experiences. 

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