Episode 108: Do We Really Need Another Episode About Burnout?

Episode 108: Do We Really Need Another Episode About Burnout?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 108: Do We Really Need Another Episode About Burnout? Today, we’re exploring why the common advice around burnout may be more detrimental than helpful and why incremental action is a more effective, sustainable way to replenish our personal batteries.

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Episode 106: The Courage to Call Out Yellow Flags

Episode 106: The Courage to Call Out Yellow Flags

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 106: The Courage To Call Out Yellow Flags. Today we’re exploring yellow flags: The things we sometimes see in our places of work and in our relationships that catch our attention. We’re also exploring the value of holding space, taking time to reflect, connect with others, and then take action when these things arise.

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Episode 69: This Is Not What I Signed Up For

Episode 69: This Is Not What I Signed Up For

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 69: This Is Not What I Signed Up For. Which brings us to the word of the episode – resistance. Despite what we tell ourselves, humans don’t like change – and we have any number of habits that we’ll kick in to resist it as long as possible. In this episode we dive into our relationship with resistance, and how to overcome it as we adjust to our new reality. 

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Episode 67: The Real Return to the Office Debate

Episode 67: The Real Return to the Office Debate

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 67: The Real Return To The Office Debate. As we’ve had deep discussions around this topic, we’ve noticed an extremely diverse set of wants around the post-pandemic work environment. Some people want life to look exactly like it did in 2019. Some want it to look exactly like it did in February of 2021. But everybody wants something.

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Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating

Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating. This week, Nayla and Eric want to go beneath the common ways we explain procrastination. We believe this is less about time management, and more about understanding the competing commitments that result in procrastination doing something for us. The question: How is procrastination serving you?

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