Episode 115: Why You Need A Career Narrative And How To Get One
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 115: Why You Need A Career Narrative And How To Get One. Today we’re talking about building a career narrative that we believe in and is useful for the people who need to know about it. If you're going to network, or you're going to interview for a job, you need a career narrative. A career narrative helps you talk about your background well in a unique, relevant, and interesting story to all kinds of people on the other end of a conversation.

Episode 103: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 103: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Hard? Today we’re tackling that persistent question of what we truly want from work. We’ll explore whether it really is hard to clarify these things, why it feels hard to answer that question, and what steps to take to get started.

Episode 102: John Wick, The Butcher is a Pig and the Pleasure of An Ordinary Day
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 103: John Wick: The Butcher Is A Pig And Pleasure of An Ordinary Day. Today on the podcast we’re exploring public recognition: Whether we get it, how we feel when we don’t, and the inside job that’s involved when we find ourselves with difficult feelings along the way.

Episode 92: How Much Self Improvement Do You Need?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 92: How Much Self-Improvement Do You Need? Today we’re talking about how to decide what kind of personal growth you need and why you need it. And the steps you can take to make real, impactful change.

Episode 65: The Worst Advice Nayla Ever Gave
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 65: The Worst Advice Nayla Ever Gave. If we’re doing the work, we are growing as humans as we grow as leaders. Looking back at the times we regret, those moments that make us feel some shame and awkwardness about the things we did and said, can sometimes help us track our growth. Nayla gets that gift this week, as she digs into the bad advice she once gave a valued colleague who came asking for support for a promotion: Don’t Worry About It.

Episode 54: A Blueprint for Experiments
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 54: A Blueprint for Experiments. 'Running experiments’ are part of our process to make change happen in our work and other domains of our lives, but what does that mean? We talk about incremental, measurable steps, the value of neutrally looking at the information gathered in our experiments, and knowing when we’ve collected enough information.

Episode 07: The Worst Advice Eric Ever Gave
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 07: The Worst Advice Eric Ever Gave. We know that during a long career, it’s possible that we’ve given advice that we wish we hadn’t. Today we talk about Eric’s advice to ‘find work that aligns with your passion’, and why that guidance now gives us pause.