Episode 152: Procrastination From The Inside Out With Dr Christine Li
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 152: Procrastination From The Inside Out with Dr. Christine Li. Today we welcome Dr. Christine Li to the podcast. Dr. Li helps her clients make procrastination (and blocks around work) a thing of the past and our conversation dives deeply into why we procrastinate and how to work on better habits from the inside out.

Episode 75: You Are Not an Imposter
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 75: You Are Not An Imposter. On this episode we talk through how to do the work to uncover the imposter’s voice, its origins and its deception, and how to overcome the self-sabotaging behaviors it can lead us to enact. We talk about how to choose action over procrastination, practice instead of over-prepare, and show up instead of miss out. And we talk about the dark side of humility – which doesn’t get enough attention, but which absolutely makes us hard to work with.

Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating. This week, Nayla and Eric want to go beneath the common ways we explain procrastination. We believe this is less about time management, and more about understanding the competing commitments that result in procrastination doing something for us. The question: How is procrastination serving you?

Episode 08: Don’t Feel Guilty if Works Feels Good
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 08: Don't Feel Guilty if Work Feels Good. There’s a dominant storyline around work being something we endure out of necessity. At the Inside Job, we think it’s great to feel good at work, and to learn from the moments where we experience flow, productivity and positive emotions.