Episode 85: No, You Don't Love Change

There’s a certain way of talking about change that’s become heralded in these times, especially at work: “I just love change!”. This week, we’re uncovering if that’s true.

Most of us have endured, and even thrived when change has been thrust upon us. Our nature requires that we adapt, and most often, we do – even if we gnash our teeth along the way.

Many of us also like variety – new people, places, foods, experiences… as long as WE get to stay more or less the same.

Most of us don’t want to change ourselves. Or if we do want to make a change, we find it hard to succeed at being consistent with new behaviors. In this episode we talk about why that’s true, and share our favorite tool for going deeper and understanding what’s really going on inside.

We’re running a workshop on the Immunity to Change framework, for anyone who has ever wanted to change something in their work or lives, but finds themselves stuck. Based on Robert Kegan’s model of adult development, a practical, action-based toolkit to help you move forward with change that will have a positive impact on your work and/or life.

Two Wednesdays, November 17 and December 1 — 3:30 pm ET

Learn more and register: https://hive.insidejobthepodcast.com/product/immunity-to-change/

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Episode 86: Taking Time off Well


Episode 84: Being a Force for Good