Episode 40: Why It's Important to Celebrate Your Wins

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As the year comes to a close, we’re taking a deliberate moment to declare victory and celebrate the wins of 2020.  Yes, the year has been difficult, “unprecedented” and full of hardship, and yet, we know that each of us can find at least one thing to celebrate, no matter how small.

It’s so easy to overlook, minimize or simply forget the wins we create.   Most of us lack good habits around celebrating ourselves, and our biology is designed otherwise. After all, as Rick Hanson says, our brains are like Velcro for negative experiences, and Teflon for positive ones!

We’re not talking about silver linings, the “at least” statements we often fall to, but honest-to-goodness wins – things that went well, plans that we saw come to fruition, simple pleasures we generated for ourselves (learning to cook something new, reconnecting with an old friend, making time for a personal project we’ve delayed…) and the big tasks we took on despite the changes to how we live our daily lives (finishing school, getting professional mental health help, developing an exercise routine.)

We believe in the power of noticing and celebrating the victories in our lives, and in practicing that routinely.

To hear how others are celebrating their victories, we partnered with Daily Haloha (an app that connects people around the world through responses to thought provoking questions every day) to ask participants to weigh in: “A win I had in 2020 was_____”.

We received 1100 replies from around the world, ranging from the simple: “I learned to cut my own hair” to the deeply profound “I finally dealt with my depression and got professional help”.

In this week’s episode, we explore the responses to that question, and offer ideas of how to build a celebration practice of your own.

Also, this week, we celebrate our 40th episode of Inside Job, and crossing the threshold of 10K downloads.  Join us on Instagram where we’re hosting our first giveaway, to celebrate!!

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Episode 41: Thoughts on Starting A New Year


Episode 39: When The Inner Critic Shows Up