Episode 164: We're All Middle Managers with Scott Mautz

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Scott Mautz is a former corporate executive, a keynote speaker, a coach, and the author of three bestselling books; including Leading from the Middle.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • Why Scott left the corporate world after spending thirty years climbing the ladder

  • What “middle management” really means and why it isn’t a bad term

  • The two foundational elements of influencing your peers; including the Golden Rule of Influence

  • The role your reputation plays in your ability to lead and influence others

Do you have people in your organization who report to you?

Do you report to others in your organization?

Does your work require you to work with other people at your same level or other departments entirely?

If you answered yes to these questions, according to Scott, the chances of you being stressed in your job just went up as a result of being middle management; even if you don’t realize that’s your role.

There are a lot of resources out there for how to lead those who report to you and how to climb the corporate ladder, but there aren’t that many for how to lead your peers and get them to help you out when you need it most. That’s where we focused our conversation with Scott in this week’s episode.

Whether you consider yourself middle management or not, you’re likely to find some great nuggets in this episode that will help you lead others more easily and reduce the amount of stress you feel in your work.

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Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff


Episode 163: Stop Being Ticked About the Weekend