Episode 150: Living With Tough Decisions + 150th Episode Celebration

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What happens when the right decision for you is one that stands to make other people unhappy?

We’re talking about what it’s like to disappoint or aggravate others when we know we’re doing the right thing. It’s in these moments that we need to slow down and distinguish between our confidence in our decision and the worry we have about the possible fallout from it. What if someone gets upset with us? What if our reputation takes a hit? What if everyone is talking about us after we share the decision we’ve made?

How do we lead ourselves through this?

We begin our discussion by acknowledging how natural it is to worry about disappointing people we work and live with.

But we also remember that our colleagues want the business or project to be successful as much as we do. Like us, they can see multiple perspectives and handle the complexity we are grappling with.

Then we explore how to check in with ourselves to see if our worries about sharing our decisions are really old stories or people-pleasing habits that could actually make sharing our decision harder than it has to be.

These are some of the experiences that make leading ourselves and leading others a lifetime of work, we’re excited to hear what you think of the episode.

Plus we’re celebrating our 150th Episode by thanking all those who help us make this happen (including our amazing listeners) and sharing share what’s ahead both on the podcast and beyond!

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Episode 151: Get Out Of Your Own Way


Episode 149: Help People Help You