Inside Job

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Episode 108: Do We Really Need Another Episode About Burnout?

What To Do When Burnout Advice Leaves You Feeling More Burned Out

Much of the advice we’re hearing right now around the topic of burnout often sounds like a call to totally overhaul our lives and invest more in “self-care”. A term that can feel generic. The call to radically change our lives can leave us feeling more stressed and exhausted because this sort of guidance loads our plate up with even more “shoulds”.

We go on to discuss how this narrative of not being able to solve our own problems can cause feelings of shame or guilt. Eric notes that in relationships, we don’t want to imply that you’re doing something wrong but we do want to understand what's happening so we can find realistic ways to get out of this.

What does it really mean to feel better?

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • Why there’s a problem with the common advice we hear about combating and preventing burnout

  • What it means to allow ourselves to feel and explore what burnout means for us before jumping in to fix things

  • How to take incremental, achievable steps to feel better.

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Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

  • We Can Let Ourselves Feel Things Without Having To Think Our Way Out Of Them

  • We Don’t Have To Boil The Ocean To Feel Better

  • Exploring The Possibility of Feeling 10% Better

  • Incremental Change Is Part Of The Inside Job When It Comes To Burnout

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