Inside Job

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Episode 98: What If You're Wrong?

“But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life's morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.”

-- Carl Jung

The concept of what worked for us in one phase of our lives may not be serving us now, how it’s showing up for our clients, and why consciously choosing our beliefs is the surest way to do the inside job necessary to grow.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • Why we might hold on to past beliefs

  • What to consider if we find our current beliefs may not be serving us

  • How the question, “What if I’m wrong?” might show up in our lives and careers and steps we can take to move forward

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Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

  • This Served Me Before. What About Now?

  • How It’s Showing Up For Our Clients

  • Staying Open, Conscious, and Purposeful In Our Actions And Beliefs

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