Inside Job

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Episode 92: How Much Self Improvement Do You Need?

What’s driving your urge for change? And how can you use that urge to grow in ways that make a real difference in your life?

Today we’re talking about our hunger for growth and how to tell a real urge (driven by our personal values or core desires) from one that might be coming from outside ourselves. We’ll also explore the action steps you can take to decide what kind of growth you need and why you need it.

In Our Conversation We Explore:

  • How to tell where and how you might need to change or grow

  • Why and when we need to give ourselves permission to pivot as we pursue change and growth

  • How to tap into the power of reaching out for feedback, community, and other forms of support as we endeavor to grow

  • Why adopting a spirit of experimentation is essential to deciding how and when to self improve

Adopting that spirit of experimentation is part of how we think about deciding where and how much to self-improve.

We’re huge fans of getting better, thoughtfully, consciously, and incrementally. And so, we’ve outlined a set of steps in this episode that can help you make real, meaningful change in whichever area of your life you’d like.

Once you’ve chosen something important and gotten clear on why you need to change that area, you can get feedback from stakeholders if they’ll be impacted by that change and get public with what you’ve decided to do.

From there, as always, know that you have the right to change your mind, to pivot, and to go after the things that really will change your life for the better.

And you can always reach out to us for insight, support, and feedback!

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Here’s a preview of what we discussed in episode 92

  • Distinguishing Real Personal Growth Urges From Everything Else

  • How To Know What You Need

  • Allowing Self-Awareness To Guide Your Growth

  • Getting Clear On Potential Paths To Our Goals

  • Tapping Into Community and Collaboration To Make Self Development Decisions

  • Giving Yourself Permission To Pivot

  • Taking Deliberate Action When Pursuing Personal Growth

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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