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Episode 91: Making Authenticity Work For You Not Against You

How A Combination Of Versatility, Integrity, Self Awareness, and Mindfulness Can Stop Us From Weaponizing Our Authenticity

Today, our conversation examines each of these words as they relate to showing up authentically. And while authenticity has become a buzzword these days, this reimagined recipe may just be the antidote to that.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • Why the word authenticity feels like nails on a chalkboard to Eric and the alternative word Nayla uses instead

  • Ways to think about the potential effect of authenticity on your coworkers and loved ones and how this is actually the opposite of masking or dulling our light

  • The interplay of self-awareness, curiosity, mindfulness, and authenticity in our relationships and the workplace

  • Questions to consider when you think about how you show up in the world and the effect you may be having on others

Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

Nails on a Chalkboard: Alternative Perspectives on Authenticity

There are some common, rigid interpretations of what it means to show up authentically. These limited views of authenticity are part of the reason Eric struggles with this word at times. Today, he gives examples and explains why it feels like nails on the chalkboard for him. Namely, that it often sounds like a, “Take it or leave it, this is me…” excuse for one’s behavior.

So, it’s important not to weaponize authenticity as an excuse to be stiff, a rebel (without a cause), or an asshole.

This inflexible interpretation also limits us because it gives us a way of seeing ourselves that resigns us to say, “This is just who I am. This is how I think and I could never be different because then I’d be out of authenticity if I were to deviate.” So, we need a new way of thinking about authenticity and it begins with examining the impact our own authenticity has on our progress to our goals and its impact on the people around us.

The Impact of Authenticity: Bomb or Campfire?

In our reimagining of authenticity, Nayla shares a client story as well as an excerpt from her own life and they shed light on how important self-awareness is to showing up authentically. Because at the end of the day, we can find ourselves drowning in data and being short on wisdom. And that is not going to get us where we want to go.

Nayla shares the power of understanding and accepting ourselves, of committing to growth, and of understanding the influence we have on those around us. From there, we can dig into where our authenticity may be a self-limiting crutch and where it is really helpful.

We can ask ourselves: Where is our light acting as a bomb? Where is it an inviting campfire? And is it actually leading us where we want to go?

A Recipe For Authenticity

Throughout this episode, we cover a variety of concepts that are connected to authenticity.

From self-awareness and self-regulation to mindfulness and versatility, we bring clarity to the areas where “authenticity” as a buzzword or general term has become stale. And we attempt to breathe new life into it.  We go over the different ingredients that come along with true, powerful authenticity. And recognize the value of diversity of thought and identity in work, life, and relationships.

Eric shares a story about his experience with authenticity in the workplace and how we can find a balance between authenticity and professionalism. He explores how authenticity, leadership, and versatility can all play well together as we connect with coworkers, impact others, and do our work in the world.

This new approach to authenticity allows us to be ourselves in ways that ensure we have the effect on the world that we are trying to have without wearing masks, dulling our light, or adhering to rigid ideas that don’t serve us or align with our personal or professional values.

Finally, we talk about the role of having a beginner’s mind and curiosity in our authenticity journey. ****We encourage you to allow yourself the space for curiosity as you show up as your true self. You can be adaptable and versatile and compassionately honest while being genuine. And we share what this combination can do for you as you commit not only to your authenticity but to your results.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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