Inside Job

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Episode 83: We Used to Be Friends; Now They’re My Boss

“Don’t screw your friends over, especially at work.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (or not)


Great friendships often develop at work, and usually this is a good thing. It’s important to work with people we like and people we trust, especially given how much of our time and energy goes into our jobs. 


So what happens when the power dynamic shifts between friends? What changes when a friend is suddenly the boss?  Or when you hire a friend? What shifts when there is suddenly a significant shared outcome that requires input, effort, and accountability between buddies? 


We tackle these questions and more on this episode of the podcast. We talk about: 


·       How to recognize and process what is gained and lost

·       What to discuss when designing a new alliance, both as colleagues and as friends

·       What to do with the inside information already known about each other

·       How to handle the resulting shifts when getting together outside of work

·       How to avoid assumption traps by developing a beginner’s mind

·       Not using friendships as an excuse to cut corners or deprioritize work

·       And more 



We also get into the difficulties of seasonal allergies and nasal probes. 


You can listen to the episode on our website: or on your favorite podcast platform. Follow us on social media (all over @insidejobpodcast) for ongoing discussions and articles related to this topic. 

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