Inside Job

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Episode 60: When You Experience Rejection

At the Inside Job Podcast, we are huge believers in the importance of taking action. And we do so knowing that when we put ourselves out into the world we are going to face rejection. In this episode, we talk about what to do when we experience rejection.

Rejection shows up in many ways: not getting a job offer, failing to sell our work on Etsy, not being invited to the book club, getting denied the promotion, etc. Hell, Eric is still bemoaning the rejection stemming from nobody reading his LinkedIn article about Betty White. In any form rejection is real, and it hurts.

During our conversation, we talk about how the work of the inside job is to make sense of rejection and figure out what we can learn from it. We start by acknowledging the courage that comes from the choice to get in the arena in the first place; we experience rejection because we choose to do the big work in life. Taking brave action is always worth celebrating.

More importantly, we talk about the need to sit in the emotional response for a bit. It’s important to experience it, process it, and then release it. By releasing it we choose not to let it define us, nor hold us back from taking the next step forward.

We also talk about ways we can make sense of rejection. Rejection presents us with an opportunity to learn, improve, and pivot. We talk about ways to ask for feedback, how to get others to help us improve for the next time, and how to overcome common mistakes that might be leading to serial rejection.

We close by talking about ways to find the strength to move forward. Nayla talks about the importance of reconnecting with ourselves and replenishing our spirit, while Eric reminds us to reflect on the cost of not trying again.

Don’t reject this episode – give it a listen below.

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