Inside Job

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Episode 55: Why You Resist Networking

Networking. It’s one of those things we know can help us, advance us, grow us...and yet, for many of us, it’s something we deprioritize or avoid.

This week, we jump into why some of our clients resist this essential part of career and leadership development.

Too many people carry the impression that networking is gross, sleazy, needy and a host of other things that leave a bad taste in our mouths.

We believe – deeply – that networking is about learning, about relationship building and above all, about CONNECTING. And connecting isn’t just good for your career, it’s rewarding for your life.

In this practical and grounded episode, we talk about:

  • Shifting our thinking about networking from a series of transactions to be about learning something new

  • Simple ways to reach out to even the contacts we have let cool off over time

  • Guidance about how to engage on LinkedIn and other ways that are low touch and high impact.

This episode is full of encouragement, human connection and things you can put into place today!

Plus, we have a healthy debate about the merits of Brussel sprouts.

You can listen to the episode on our website: or on your favorite podcast platform.

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