Inside Job

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Episode 52: Making It Work with Your Manager Part 2

This week we continue the conversation about how to make the relationship with your manager work. Specifically, we dive into two listener-submitted questions:

What do I do about my career if I perceive that my boss is falling out of favor with our organization?

How do I talk to my boss about pursuing a new role given how important “loyalty” is to her?

We love these because both questions serve as an invitation to explore our own internal contributions to the relationship we have with ourselves, our managers, and our organizations. In these situations and others like them, we can start by noticing the moments when we can practice self-regulation and apply our values in ways that allow us to show up as our best for ourselves and for those observing these situations.

We talk about how our leaders’ careers can attract drama – with a capital D – and why it’s important for us not to get involved in, contribute to, or instigate water-cooler talk about what’s happening with them.

We also get into two of our favorite topics – noticing our assumptions and collecting evidence – and we talk about how to discover the truth about our situations and our reputations from leaders and stakeholders inside our organization.

Par for the Inside Job, Jason Bourne makes an appearance . . . again. And we attempt to use the words “fivology” and “hexology” as we draw an analogy between our podcast and the blockbuster movie franchise starring Eric’s hero Matt Damon . . . poorly.

As always, we’d love to hear what’s on your mind and what you think we should talk about in an upcoming episode.

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