Inside Job

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Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating

Who hasn’t put something off?

It’s so easy to be frustrated by the things that we find ourselves procrastinating.  We usually start by blaming ourselves or our organizations for overstuffing our calendars.  (We acknowledge that this can be a reality for many of us). Or we get on our own case for being too lazy to get things done.

As always, we offer that finding ourselves in patterns of procrastination is an opportunity to be kind to ourselves, and to be curious about what’s going on.

This week, Nayla and Eric want to go beneath the common ways we explain procrastination, especially when we talk about wanting something and still not getting to it.   We believe this is less about time management, and more about understanding the competing commitments that results in procrastination actually *doing something for us*.

Read that again: NOT doing what you say you want to do is DOING something for you.

The ultimate question might be:  How is procrastination serving you?

We offer the Immunity to Change framework as a tool to explore the tension between what we say we want, and what we must also want (sometimes under the surface) in order to keep things they are.

We talk about the relationship between procrastination and revenge, control, imposter syndrome, the stories we tell ourselves, and our fears of failure.

Don’t put it off… you’ll want to dig in to this episode.

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