Inside Job

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Episode 48: Redefining Ambition

How much is enough?  Is ambition always about more, bigger and higher?

Ambition is a concept most of us have been trained to understand in a very particular way, and many of us design our lives in search of a career that meets our narrow understanding of the word.  Many of the organizations carry that same limited view of what ambition can look like, so the messages are reinforced over and over again that more is always better.   Yet, many of us take all the ‘right’ steps towards a bigger, flashier career and don’t feel great about it.

We dive into what’s going on, and explore other ways of defining ambition.

In fact, we wonder if ambition is even the word we want to keep using:

Nayla offers the word: appetite, and Eric offers: energy… what if we are in pursuit of satisfying our appetites and following our energy?  Where might that lead us?

We talk openly about our own efforts to redefine ambition for ourselves, and some of the tools we offer our clients as they explore build a better life and career for themselves.

How are you thinking about your own ambition these days? Be in touch on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or on our website.

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