Inside Job

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Episode 41: Thoughts on Starting A New Year

“How should I start thinking about what I want from the coming year?”

We have been getting this question a lot lately, as we do around this time every year. In this episode we offer our thoughts on the principles we use to guide our clients forward in their thinking and planning.

The principles we offer are:

  1. Notice what your energy is calling you to do, and go after the things that really matter.

  2. Approach your life from a place of want, not should. Notice that what is likely to get done is the stuff you actually care about, and not the crud you think you should care about.

  3. Maintain a generosity of spirit towards yourself. Focus as much on answering the question, “How do I want to be?” as you do on, “What do I want to accomplish?”

As we explore these principles we also introduce the idea of “new year’s dissolutions”; we recognize that 2021 isn’t giving any of us more hours in a day and we can’t start doing new things until we stop doing the things that aren’t serving us anymore. Throughout our conversation we continue to offer that we’re all just trying to do the best we can with what we’ve got.

As a bonus we offer our guidance on why you don’t want to run the toilet toss at the school carnival and how to avoid kicking your own ass.

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