Inside Job

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Episode 215: If you don't choose, they will

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • How a recent call with a client of Nayla’s who wasn’t as pleased with her growing role in her company as they were inspired this episode

  • Eric’s take on whether or not organizations really have the best interests for our career trajectories in mind when they make decisions for us

  • The difference between choosing to listen to others or ourselves at the start our careers and after we’re a decade or two in

  • The main takeaway from this conversation that can help you make your choices as your career evolves

Was your career path your choice or someone else’s?

If it wasn’t entirely your choice, is it too late to change things?

Even though this episode is being released in September, we recorded it while the Olympics were still going on, and we think the athletes participating in the games are a great example of our topic for this episode. They personify exactly what can happen when you ignore the other voices and choose to follow your passions.

In terms of our careers, choosing to go along with others instead of choosing a path for ourselves can look like having a career trajectory we never planned on and might not even want.

In this episode, we cover how to evaluate what we actually want and how to course correct if we discover we’ve been letting others make our choices for us.

Resources we mention in this episode:

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