Inside Job

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Episode 200: Don't Lower Your Expectations - Explore Them

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • The difference between rationally adjusting expectations and letting your expectations be governed by your emotions

  • What we should do before we consider adjusting or lowering our expectations

  • The roles realism and optimism play in setting expectations

  • The underlying emotions underneath some of our expectations that might require some inner work on our part

  • The latest Green Day album kicks off our conversation today about expectations.

If something fails to meet our expectations, that doesn’t always mean we set them too high, we need to lower them in the future, or we need to overcompensate to make it easier for others to meet our expectations. What it might mean instead is that we need to change how we think about our expectations and that, of course, is an inside job.

Take a listen to this week’s episode of the podcast to find out what type of inner work we should be doing and whether that Green Day album exceeded expectations or fell short.

Resources we mention in this episode:

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