Inside Job

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Episode 182: When Life Gets Lifey

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • The recent events in Nayla’s life that led to this topic being chosen for the podcast this week

  • The value of adjusting how we think about control when it comes to our lives

  • The seeds that planted throughout our lives that shape our relationship to work during difficult times in our lives

  • How those around us often surprise in these moments if we allow them to

What do you do when life starts getting a little too lifey?

How do you use lifey those moments to help make things easier or better after things calm down?

In the year since Eric shared the expression, “Sometimes life gets a little lifey,” Nayla’s said it about 6,000 times. This week was no exception, and it’s the inspiration for this episode.

This week, we want to talk about some exercises we can do to help us cope when life gets to lifey, how to evaluate your relationship with work during these times, and how we can use the clarity of these moments to help us be better prepared for the next time it happens.

Resources we mention in this episode:

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