Inside Job

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Episode 140: When Life Gets In The Way A Conversation with Amy Giddon Part 2

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How much of your identity is connected to your career?

And what would happen to your identity if your ability to show up at work in that same way suddenly changed?

This week we’re sharing the second part of our conversation with Amy Giddon, founder of Daily Haloha. In this part of our conversation, Amy shares how illness led her to explore her sense of work and identity. (Note: We recommend checking out part one before you listen to this week’s episode.)

How we respond when circumstances force us to change how we work can have a big impact on how we see ourselves. And while life hopefully doesn't need to bring us to our knees for us to reassess things, sometimes wake-up calls happen.

Amy explained that the leaps she shared in our last episode were possible because she worked so hard and that hard work had become part of her identity: a point of pride.

But in January 2021, she got Covid, and shortly after her recovery new symptoms emerged that taxed her body and mind, leaving her feeling drained. Two years later, she continues to grapple with these symptoms and their impact: “Long Covid hit me square in the identity.” she shared.

Amy describes her past relationship with work as a compulsion to work hard. And if this resonates with you perhaps, it's time to take a look at the stories that create that compulsion.  Maybe it’s time to work differently and think about work differently.

Can you make space to float rather than constantly paddling upstream?

Can you let things be easy?

Can you be kinder to yourself?

For Amy, as for many of us, work will always be part of our identity. Learning to navigate when life shifts us in different directions is a huge part of the inside job - we’re grateful that Amy shared her guidance with us .

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • How to adjust when life throws you curveballs that change your circumstances or capacity at work?

  • How to navigate a challenge to your identity that often accompanies change?

  • How to question what’s worked for you so far in ways that help you to redefine your work identity

  • How we can start to redefine who we are and decide what to put at the center of that more reliable sense of self

  • What role compassion for others and self-compassion play in navigating life’s challenges


  • Connect with Daily Haloha

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