Inside Job

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Episode 109: Your Problem Isn't Prioritization

The Goal Of Prioritizing Isn’t Creating A Longer List

We kicked off today’s episode with book picks.

  • Eric is fascinated by the incredible Dolly Parton and her best-selling book with James Patterson, Run Rose Run.

  • Nayla is loving The House of Special Purpose by John Boyne which is about the Romanov family (no, not Natasha’s origin story)- highly recommended

(links below)

Getting into today’s topic, we discuss a listener/client question about “HOW to prioritize?” and the mini-epidemic we’ve noticed around our worries about not being able to manage our responsibilities and being too busy.

While some clients come to us identifying that prioritization is an issue, this challenge can also present itself as the feeling that we’re not as effective as we could be.

We question the assumptions and biases that lead us to overcommit, how the “post-it-note” method/massive to-do list might be a casual disregard of our time, and the critical questions to ask yourself to add more awareness of what is and what should be on the “list”.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • Why the “post-it note approach” to listing our next tasks isn’t enough and what we really need from the process of identifying key “to-dos”

  • How the stories we tell ourselves about the tasks on our list can impact how we prioritize and what we add to or take off of our plates

  • Why prioritizing is an inside job and the questions we can ask to do that deeper work

We’d Love To Hear From You!

If you’d like to submit a question about the intersection of your life and work, connect with us at

See this content in the original post

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Our Book Picks:

Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

  • What Am I Allowing This To Mean About Me?

  • The Causal Nature of “Prioritizing” With The Post It

  • The Inside Job Of Prioritizing

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